December 23th, 2014 5 WHOLEGRAIN + CHIA SEED SOAKED MUSELI with FRUIT COMPOTE & PINEAPPLE CINNAMON COCONUT YOGHURT. This recipe has been requested by our wonderful yoga teacher graduate, Tes heart emoticon You can often purchase a 5 grain blend of rolled oats, barley, rye, rice & tritacle, however, just oats or a millet flakes if…

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Watermelon Mint Crush!

December 22nd, 2014 Hydrate, refresh, energise, digest with a WATERMELON MINT CRUSH. Blend with ice, pour into water bottle and take to the beach, park or out Christmas shopping. You will be less likely to eat something unhealthy when you sip on this divine concoction all day! Watermelon is mostly water so you are hydrated…

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December 22, 2014 FALAFELS are one of the easiest, inexpensive recipes and create a delicious and nutritious snack or full meal when served as I have here with a Greek salad (leave out the fetta if vegan), home-made flatbread, home-made chilli sauce (recipes to come!) and mint co-yo (coconut yoghurt to make it a vegan…

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Using others..

September 28th, 2015 Using others to get where you want to go. Running a successful business means we are continuously inundated with requests for help to boost other’s profiles, advertise their events or products, share posts on our Facebook page, sell ideas to our hundreds of trainees, invites for coffee to ‘pick your brain’ and…

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‘Owning your stuff’…

September 27th, 2015 The only way to be free! Acknowledging your part in an interpersonal dynamic is not easy as it requires transcending the need to be a ‘right-fighter’, however, it is the most effective way to free yourself from a pattern of blame and hurt. The gift is to yourself as much as the…

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The breath

September 15th 2015. Have you ever really paid attention to your breath? If you are a practicing yogi, healer and meditate frequently the answer is a big resounding YES! At first the breath seems insignificant – I mean, we just breathe involuntarily right? It’s true. The nature of our breath, however, tells many stories. If…

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Energy in our community

September 10 2015 I notice emerging themes within each week and this week there is a overwhelming energy of tragedy, violence and abuse in our local area. There is also a strong energy of many yoga teachers and healers who are disillusioned by working so hard and not getting the rewards for their input. So…

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Forgiveness Meditation

12 July 2015 Forgiveness Meditation coming to the online classes tomorrow! This is a powerful meditation that everyone can benefit from. I had a massive breakthrough as I recorded this meditation – I realised how grateful I was for all the people in my life who have betrayed me. Without them, I couldn’t be who…

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    23 Jun 2015 My dogs have always taught me so much through their innocence and ability to live in the present moment. Recently as my older dog has lost a great deal of his sight and can often get a little lost on our off leash walks, I’ve noticed his younger brother keeping…

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Do you look after your inner child?

June 16 2015 You know – the one who dwells deep within and doesn’t censor much. The one who is authentic and feels. The one who is playful and hasn’t forgotten about MAGIC. This part of yourself is so pure and has not bought into limitation. Anything is possible to your inner child. Bring them…

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