June 16 2015
You know – the one who dwells deep within and doesn’t censor much. The one who is authentic and feels. The one who is playful and hasn’t forgotten about MAGIC. This part of yourself is so pure and has not bought into limitation. Anything is possible to your inner child. Bring them out today! When was the last time you had major FUN without alcohol or other stimulants? What really gives you the joy of life? True deep satisfaction is what your inner child is chasing. Not satisfaction because you achieved something and those external to you patted you on the back. No, this is personal and brings radiant aliveness. What adventure can you take your inner child on? Make a list of those things that delight you to your very core. Commit to enacting this list. This picture is of me as a little girl. I used to spend hours laying across my swing, face down and feeling the euphoria of my own internal vibration from rocking back and forth whilst in a deep trance. I remember talking to the Universe for hours and I love this pic that shows me getting off the swing to turn my face to the Heavens deep in conversation with my Higher Self. Deep joy is simple. When our inner child is seen, heard, felt and given time to play, miracles happen. Innocence returns. We cease grasping for the glam life and we instead experience exquisite beauty all around and within ourselves. It’s time. Do it now – take 1 minute to close your eyes and ask your inner child what they need from you. Let the adventure begin
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