I’ve had a month of turbulence! If you’ve noticed a lot of changes within the business, here’s why. Read on for my story.
You may remember at the end of last month our Broadbeach studio flooded. Being the mystical person I am, I knew this was a sign of some big cleansing that was about to happen in my business. Carlos walked into the studio to discover the flood, after he and I just spoke on the phone in regards to there being a potential issue with his immigration visa (he is from Mexico). Carlos and I have worked together for over 4 years. He is the only full-time employee of My Health Yoga, one of our main workshop facilitators in all our training courses in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Townsville and Online. He is also a regular teacher on our timetables, does our Naturopathic consultations plus being a soul brother and one of my best friends. To lose him from the business is devastating on so many levels for me personally and for My Health Yoga. We both knew the flood at the studio was a sign of the past being cleared for a new way forward. This is indeed what transpired. Carlos’ visa was denied a week later and he has to leave Australia on May 1. I felt deep sorrow when I heard this news. It’s not that I don’t have the ability to go immediately into TRUST of the Universal Plan, I just know as a human being I am meant to feel the full range of emotions and it felt painful to know Carlos would have to leave. I sobbed on his shoulder.
The Flood Continues…
Within a week of hearing this news and still without a plan to go forward without Carlos in the business, Ourania told me she too would need to exit from her usual role of one of the main workshop facilitators in the courses including Brisbane, Gold Coast and Townsville (total around 40 workshops for the year). Ourania had received some very upsetting news involving her family and best friend and also herself had an old health issue reappear. She knew she needed to slow down from so much work (Ourania also runs her own full-time studio and healing centre) before she suffered burn out. This news came after she had already started one of her courses and 2 days before another one was due to start. I wasn’t even in the state, as I was accompanying my partner on a family trip to Tasmania. BAM, no warning! No-one to take over workshops, it was already too late. My head started spinning. My two pillars had crumbled in an instant, not through fault of their own, rather through Universal means. We all clearly needed to change directions dramatically and suddenly.
Now normally through being a highly intuitive person, I can sense if something big is about to happen. Not this time. I was in deep shock and didn’t function properly for about 24hrs. Apparently I had been merrily floating along with my head in the clouds feeling the immense joy of working with such powerful and beautiful souls. Apart from the message of the flood which I thought related only to Carlos’ leaving, I guess I wasn’t meant to see these massive business changes coming. I can see now how this assisted me in order to learn some great Universal Life Lessons. This year I had made what I thought were secure plans to not teach so much and put more time and energy into creative projects such as our online courses and classes. This part of the business is really accelerating and I knew I couldn’t do it all. Plus after going into my 16th year in the business, I really felt I needed a change. The events of Carlos and Ourania being unable to teach in the courses, which at MHY is the main part of our business, plus Carlos being unavailable as the MHY manager, meant I either did it all myself as there are no other people who are trained up for such specialised roles, OR, I find a way to make big changes and preserve my energy. I chose the latter option. Above all, this was my opportunity to practice what I preach and stay balanced, connected to Source Energy and with a full cup. I have gone on to cancel 3 of our courses and exit from our Healers Course (where I had other trained facilitators). There’s still a huge amount on my plate with all the current courses, online programs, filming new content for our online classes plus the usual running of a business. I have also decided not to do any healing sessions this year. The courses I have committed to I know I can give my all and be present to all the dear souls who trust me to guide them. This is of paramount importance to me as I feel unless I was in the right space, I would not be of service to these beautiful trainees.
A New Chapter begins..
Serendipity has played a major role in creating an opportunity for one of my best friends and teachers, Matty to now train as a main workshop facilitator. He is under my direct guidance and training to be ready for upcoming courses. A series of unmistakable Universal co-incidences occurred for both Matty and myself to know we are meant to go down this path. It means, I don’t have to cancel another course due to begin later in the year. Matty and I have been preparing for this for many months anyway, we just thought we had another 12months before he took on this role. The Universe decided otherwise! Thankyou Matty for all the hours you have invested so far in your training and for being such an authentic yogi, honest soul and loving person. I am truly blessed the Universe created an opening in the path to immerse ourselves in this training now. Matty is already a powerful teacher of the physical asana and most importantly the metaphysical healing of yoga. His training to become a primary course facilitator is going to take him to a whole new level!
My Reflections…
I never thought I would one day say I had too much business to know what to do with! I am not intending to come from ego when I say this, rather from the young woman who commenced her business back in 1998 and struggled to make ends meet in the first 2 years (thanks Mum and Dad for helping me out!!) Again, without ego, I know we do a beautiful job at MHY of connecting with the soul of our students and giving them permission to shine in all their beauty and magnificence. We teach about self-love, the necessary ingredient to heal yourself and then when your own cup overflows, to love others and guide them to connect with their self-love. It’s the only way I know that truly works when it comes to healing. Yoga for me is just that – Healing – it may involve crazy contorted postures but it’s to go deeper into oneself, to observe and ultimately love all that is found within. I see so many advanced asana (posture) practitioners who are so far removed from their inner love and peace that I wonder what went wrong. They punish themselves on the mat not love themselves, as if being more flexible or standing on their hands will make them more joyous. This, I know, however, are the paths we often go down before we ‘wake up’ – it is all perfect. Yoga, for me, is about the soul. The soul within us all is forever radiant in the energy of love, joy and peace. It is our quest as yogis to break down all the walls that have prevented us from perceiving who we truly are.
I have had to really practice my yoga both off and on the mat this past month. Of course I practice daily anyway in some form or another, but this last few weeks, I have felt raw and vulnerable, unsteady and unsure, and have needed to meditate constantly to find the right way forward. I’ve been tested and tempted in various ways and have sought to trust my feelings and the Divine omens as my navigation system moving forward. I have had to be honest and exposed to many clients, who I must say have all been so thoroughly supportive. I guess that if you show your authentic self at these times, people are warm-hearted in response. I have the best community of yogis around me! Heart-felt gratitude to all the darling souls who know this story already and have sent support in different ways.
I write this story to our community to share with you why things have changed in our schedule this year, seemingly out of the blue. There is so much love between myself, Carlos and Ourania and we are as strong as ever in our connection. We all just needed a Universal shake-up to get to where our souls need us to go. We trust the Divine Plan for us all and know that even though we are co-creator with the Universe, we also need to surrender to big change when we are Universally required to do so. I also write this to our community as I know we are all ONE and reflect each other so if this story resonates with you and you need to make big changes that on the surface look like you are letting a lot of people down, but you know you have to do to stay in your peace, then give yourself permission to make those changes. Just keep being honest with yourself and everyone around you (even if you have to squirm and clear your throat numerous times!). Pray a lot. It’s OK to let go of something, even if logically it is something that works. If your Higher Self says ‘move on’, then trust and take leap of faith.
To all the students who I have cancelled courses on, changed plans and clients I have cancelled healing sessions with, THANK YOU for your love and understanding. You amaze me. I feared telling you ‘no’. I initially thought I was being weak in not having enough energy to do everything I had promoted. I found out I was being strong in being exposed and honest. You all lifted me up with your care and compassion. I am forever grateful.
To my partner, Chris, my Mum Zoe, my best friend Susie, Carlos and Matty – you have all had my back through this time. You are all honest with me and you go out of your way to make my life easier. Gratitude from my heart to yours.
We are back on track, new plans in place, courses full, lessons learnt (and still learning!!), cups filling and joy all around. Carlos and I can even continue to work together with our online yoga teacher training course when he leaves the country (thank God for the world-wide web!) Plus, I am getting ready to launch my online yoga classes – stay tuned!
1 Comment
Lynda Coleman
July 28, 2017Wow, I just read this post for the first time and I had no idea what changes were going on behind the scenes. Thank you for showing me by your example. What appears as so much upheaval is divine intervention and guidance. I feel so blessed to be learning and guided by the whole team at MHY online course. To be honest and open, I had tears rolling down as I read this perfectly timed post. i feel guidance but planned that guidance for next year. But I’m finding chaos all around me at work, immediate family and it just does not feel right. I’ve found the last 6mths emotionally draining, while still finding peace in my Daily practice and passion in teaching yoga. I have had the flu a few times in last couple months, which has prevented me from going to my “day” job , esp. on days that had special training organised, then I feel I’m letting my team down. I’m at home unwell today and know I was meant to read your post . I will meditate on “let go , let god” today and listen to one of your new dharma talks Carrie x I send you Carrie, Carlos and the entire team love and gratitude and look forward to seeing what unfolds for MHY and myself. ????????
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