September 10 2015
I notice emerging themes within each week and this week there is a overwhelming energy of tragedy, violence and abuse in our local area. There is also a strong energy of many yoga teachers and healers who are disillusioned by working so hard and not getting the rewards for their input. So many people this week have asked my advice on if to quit their business or keep going and trust the abundance will come. In my meditation this morning I realised the link between these two themes. Whilst it doesn’t seem obvious on the surface, I had a revelation that unless yoga teachers and healers keep doing their ‘lightwork’ then the darkness grows stronger. Now I am not here to buy into the group thought-form in our industry that you can be spiritually rich but not financially rich as a yoga teacher or healer, yet I am here to state that people in our industry are NEEDED more and more to hold the space of love, light and peace. The terrible atrocities that have been enacted on women in the last few days is sickening beyond belief. The men who have perpetrated these acts are engulfed in darkness, rage and fear. It’s no point trying to fight this energy as what we focus on becomes stronger. So our job then is to focus on providing more opportunities for spiritual growth, loving connection, peaceful vibrations. Yogis and healers – this is your time to shine! Keep going with the powerful work you do and TRUST there will always be enough. You are needed to bring the LIGHT. Only then we will see the changes we yearn for in our community.
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