Serenity Now! Your Silly Season Survival Kit Who remembers that episode on Seinfeld when George’s father Frank keeps exclaiming ‘Serenity Now’, intending on bypassing his frustrations and find a lasting solution to inner peace? Of course by the end of the show he explodes and destroys everything in his path! Such is the trap for many yogis who only use affirmations and positive thinking without actually acknowledging how they truly feel. This Silly Season, let’s commit to both serenity and keeping it real! Being a yogi often means being highly sensitive to energy which has it's huge advantages and also it's reminder to protect your aura when around large groups of people, or out of your normal peaceful routine. If you get overwhelmed easily when not given enough time alone to spiritually recharge and don’t understand some of the crazy out-of-control behaviours that may accompany the 'silly' season, here's some tips to stay centred amongst all the parties and big family gatherings. 1. Don't force yourself to be nice. Rather choose to see everyone as perfect in the eyes of LOVE and through this awareness, you will naturally find conversations with others will be empowering and you will be able to see the good in all. You will truly feel and know that everyone is doing the best they can with their current level of awareness.
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We'd like to remind you of the sites you have access as an Online Trainee and what levels of access you enjoy: * Your online course never expires! You'll have permanent access to all video modules, notes, assignments etc. This means that you can complete your studies anytime and refresh or review any modules at anytime. (myhealthyoga.digitalchalk.com/) * Your online classes site expires after 18 months for Level 1, 2 & Healers trainees and 12 months for Yin & Yoga Massage trainees (www.myhealthyoga.tv) * Your MHA access expires after 14 months for Level 1 & Healers trainees and 12 months for Yoga Massage trainees. (www.myhealthassociation.com) * If your trainee insurance expires, and you are not currently teaching, you don't need to take any action and can finish your course in your own time frame. If you are teaching and want to continue teaching, you will need to extend your trainee insurance at http://myhealthassociation.com/trainee-insurance-extension-application/ We're happy to answer any questions you may have related to your courses, contact Carre at online@myhealthyoga.com and Carlos at carlos@myhealthyoga.com |
Aromatherapy - The Power of Essential Oils Aromatherapy and essential oils can be an incredible ally in our journey to achieve optimal health on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. In recent months I have incorporated essential oils to my daily life and I find hard to believe there was a time I didn't use them! The right essential oils are very likely to change your life for the better however we should be aware of cheap imitations or inferior replacements that are void of healing properties and can potentially damage our health. |
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Questions to Carlos.Q. Thanks Carlos, Hope you are well Just a question What is the significance of the 6 tastes to our dosha If I am predominantly pitta for example (water fire) do I avoid salty or seek out salty food And if I am Vata (air space) do I seek out bitter or avoid bitter food Also my score for the ayurvedic quizz was 28 Pitta and 14 Vata and 8 Kaph Its not quite 2.5 times so would I be a mix of Pitta and Vata? Thanks Annie A: Hello Annie, Thank you for your email and your question. Firstly since the difference between your results in Pitta and the rest is more than 10 points in my experience we could safely consider you a Pitta dominant constitution, which means that most of the time and under most situations and scenarios you will react, behave, feel and heal according to Pitta dosha characteristics. However you also have Vata and Kapha within you of course, so there will be situations (albeit less frequently) where they will manifest. The 6 tastes are a guideline that can give us more information about ourselves and our constitution as to why we do and react to situations/foods/energies etc, the way we do. Pitta constitution benefits most from the sweet, bitter and astringent tastes as they tend to balance this Dosha. Your body may naturally gravitate towards these tastes. It doesn’t mean you should never consume sour, salty or pungent, it just mean that these 3 tastes in excess will likely bring your Pitta dosha out of balance (either towards deficiency or excess). However if your body naturally craves these every so often it may be the Vata within you seeking balance and therefore you should consume them. The key is mindfulness and moderation as they keep us in control to not be overrun by addictions and bad habits, however it is perfectly ok to treat ourselves every so often with whatever taste we desire. The information provided about the Doshas is a guideline and tool to better understand ourselves, however we are all vastly different and even people with similar constitutions will ultimately be different among themselves. Understanding the ins and out of our own particular makeup is a life’s work and the Doshas are there to help you discover more about yourself. Listening to your bodies is always one of the best tools to remain healthy and in balance. :) Hope this helps! Namaste Q. Hi Carlos, I am currently working through module 7, Anatomy of common injuries. By the way, I am enjoying every minute of your videos and notes. The quality of your notes is very high and I appreciate all the work you put into making the videos informative and interesting but not too long. Thank you for that. It is a lot of fun learning from you two. I have a question regarding module 7. We are supposed to answer a question regarding our own chronic pains and their metaphysical meaning. I don't have any physical pain at all but I have been carrying something with me all my life. From when I was very young I have been chewing around my fingernails (i know its terrible). I was wondering if the fingers are related to some metaphysical meaning as well (there was nothing in the notes) and if you would be able to tell me. I have been trying for a long time to stop this habit but unsuccessfully. Maybe if I work on underlying issues I could get rid of it. Thank you for your time and have a lovely sunday night :) xx Amelie A. Hello Amelie, Thank you for your email, Yes for this activity you can use your nail chewing experience as I believe it is potentially a physical manifestation of a metaphysical imbalance. Nail bitting could be a sign of chronic worry, stress and or/anxiety. This comes when we feel things are not under our control (could be financial, relationships, work etc) and our fingers have often to do with the direction we take our life towards. Since you’ve been chewing your nails since you were young there may be quite a bit of exploration that can be done. Working perhaps on self worth (Manipura chakra) and trust in yourself and your intuition (Anahata and Anja chakras) plus Asana such as the Warriors could help start shifting extra energy towards releasing your inner spiritual strength that’ll allow you to trust that you are enough, and loved by the Universe. Trusting in yourself and in the Universe are potentially big avenues we could explore here. However not knowing your full case it’s difficult to know with certitude. I recommend you do some meditation about these areas and see if there is any imbalances you can identify and address. Hope this helps Amelie, looking forward reading your activities for this module. Let us know if we can be of service anytime. Namaste. Carlos |